Saturday, December 26, 2009


Well here goes...I am a cook...just a cook. I love food. I love to prepare food and watch the pleasure on the diners face.

I AM NOT A COMPUTER PERSON....AT ALL....but I'm always open to new (not so new) ways of doing the same ol thing..communicating. (no new thing under the sun).

I have no idea where to start. My live in NY and food, my travels across the country and food, my adventures overseas and food. Hmmmm ya think food would be a great place to start.

I pray it won't take me for ever to learn how to blog and have people enjoy what they read.

1 comment:

  1. I March 2010 I will start a dialog with on site. Mainly I be asking questions about cooking and the business of cooking. I also will be offering recipies and cooking instructions.
    I must remind you I am a cook...not an english master or a computer wizz. Sooo if the spelling is a little off I hope you won't mind too musc LoL.
